
Resilience  through Devotion.
A three module Course suited for those newer to the Traditional Tantric Path

Go at your own pace- on demand course


Durgā Mā is the Mother that responds to the sufferings of Her children. A fortress of Śaktī- She can relieve our circumstantial difficulties as well as offer strength, protection and fortitude.

Durga is the force that organizes the matrix of physical reality to be more congruent with our true hearts-desire to wake up! Therefore, She also refines what our true Desires are. Her Victory is over that which keeps us from knowing ourselves as Her emanations.

Ultimately, this keeps us going on the path of growing and Awakening so that we may eventually embody Her deepest compassion. We will practice together to enter directly into Her energetic territory (Her light body organized from sound pulsations) within the container of traditional Tantric practice. This is a great place to start if you have not had in depth experience in Traditional Tantra. 

In this course we will : 

🔻 Learn about Goddess Durgā and hear about what a Deity is, what it isn't, and what is mantra? 

🔻 Learn a beautiful worship employing the five elements. 

🔻 Learn and worship Durgā with Her 108 sacred names. 

This course is a pre-recorded course from a live teaching in August 2024
Tuition $175

All documents and recordings are in the classroom site. 

To note- this is not a course for authorization to teach Durgā practice. This course is for your personal practice only. All teaching context, documents and recordings are to remain private. By participating in this course you agree to these standards in order to preserve the way in which lineage practice flows. 

Register Now single payment $175
Register now- 2 payment option 30 days apart