Navadurgā Sādhana

 A nine month program with Nita Rubio to engage in traditional tantric sādhana through the nine emanations of Goddess Durgā


The Navadurgās. The nine forms of Durgā Mā. Her triune powers of creation, sustenance and dissolution. 

Durgā is the Mother that responds to the suffering of Her children. A fortress of power and compassion, She offers us fortitude, courage and strength. Durga also works on deeper levels of our desires and fears. Through Her power (Śaktī) She transforms our habitual tendencies born of grasping and attachment to moving in the world with fluidity and openness. She is a matrix of consciousness that can organize physical reality to support us on our spiritual path. This allows our actions to become more congruent with our true-hearts desire to wake up. Her victory on the battlefield of internal habitual “enemies” becomes our victory as we begin to learn from the inside out that we ourselves are the reflection of Power, Beauty and Grace.

Our habitual narratives and tendencies are extremely strong and defined from years (perhaps lifetimes?) of defending a storehouse of inner identities based upon aversion, attraction and numbness. To release all the many ways we know we suffer (and don’t know we suffer!)  we need a matrix of incredible power to have a force that can break through or dissolve these deep and often imperceptible ways in which we keep enforcing a reality based on habits of the past and projections of the future. It takes a lot of courage to keep going on the path of Awakening. We often can become very comfortable with our discomforts.
We need nothing less than transformation to remember (not become) the inherent expressions of Love and Wisdom that lives right here, right now.

Through Durgā’s Grace and our Devotion, She displays as nine different emanations through the power of triune energies to ignite, implement and sustain what is awakened  on the path of knowing one’s inner Self. These nine emanations have all the energies of creation, sustenance and dissolution in precise formulas to dissolve the hardened obscurations as well as bring the luminous light of consciousness and abundance.

We will spend time with each of the Nine forms of Durgā and engage in their practices (sādhanas) in a direct way with a committed group in a closed container.

 Nita Rubio will give the context, teachings and transmissions as well as the practices themselves to fully establish a daily commitment with Devotion and deep inquiry.


teachings included in the program 

  • Who/what is Durgā
  • Origin Source of the Nava Durgās, teachings in the Chandi Path
  • What is power in the Traditional Tantric Shakta lineages
  • what tools are available for when we are "stuck" in a reactive moment and don't know what to do. 
  • ...much much more based on the living moment. Satsang.

how we will work with the Navadurgās

  • Monthly day long teachings and practice 
  • Additional Zoom sessions for either Q & A or practice
  • Learning each Navadurgās Japa Kramah and daily practice
  • Satsang, Q & A
  • Teachings with emphasis on practice
  • A community forum away from social media


All teachings are online via zoom in Pacific Standard or Daylight times, please adjust for your time zone. 

*please know it is possible that a date or two may change later in the year and the aim is to have the schedule solidified by August 15th,  

September 29 day long 10 a.m. -5 p.m.  

October 9th  9:00-11:30 a.m.  

November 17 day long 10 a.m. -5 p.m.  

November 24 -  9:00-11:30 a.m.  

December 8 day long 10 a.m. -5 p.m.  

January 5 2025-  day long 10a.m.- 5 p.m 

January 22, 2025- 9:00-11:0 a.m.  

February 2, 2025 day long 10 a.m. - 5 p.m.  

February 19, 2025 9:00-11:30 a.m.   

March 9, 2025 day long 10 a.m.- 5 p.m. 

March 26, 2025 9:00-11:30 a.m. 

April 6, 2025 day long 10 a.m.- 5p.m. 

May 4, 2025 day long 10 a.m.- 5 p.m. 

May 21 9-11:30 a.m.

June 1, 2025 day long 10 a.m. - 5 p.m. 

June 18th, 2025 9:00-11:30 a.m.  

All teachings will be recorded and available (usually within 2-5 days) via our online platform should there be an occasion of missing a class live or if you would like to review. 


For more information

on tuition, policies, application and how to register

Click here


Nita Rubio is an initiated Yogini in the Shri Vidya & Kaula schools of Tantra. She is authorized to teach and transmit these sadhanas by the Grace of her Guru, Yogini & Shri Vidya Adept, Uma Parvathinath Saraswati. It is Nita’s great joy to offer these teachings in an undiluted stream of Wisdom. Nita’s areas of specialization are sadhanas in the Dasa Mahavidyas (10 great Wisdoms) with a special emphasis on Chinnamasta, Bagalamukhi, Matangi, Bhairavi, Durga, Varahi and the Dakini Mandala of Mind. 

Having been a practitioner and master teacher for over 20 years of subtle body energy and embodiment through the vehicle of The Tantric Dance of Feminine Power founded by Vajra Ma, Nita’s focus always includes deep context for embodiment and focus on the Mother Principal in all Beings.
May the Wisdom Streams of the Yoginis remain!

What is Traditional Tantric Sadhana?

Tantric practices  (sadhanas) are very precise methodologies to dismantle our identities entrenched in limited belief systems. When that work begins to happen we start to have a glimpse at what this human potential holds for transformation. We naturally begin to open to more compassionate actions and may see a different ground of reality both for ourselves and all sentient beings.

Traditional Tantra means it is based in lineage. This is a long line (thousands of years) of adept practitioners and teachers who pass these methodologies to their students through oral tradition. Though we can google a lot of information about practices these is the context and orientation to the practices provided by the initiated teacher that enlivens the practices. It is a living tradition created by the relationship of teacher and student.